Organisational Design and Development Specialist
M3iSD conducts business as a private accredited skills provider within the ETDPSETA, SERVICES SETA, LGSETA, HWSETA and FPMSETA sectors. M3iSD was established in November 2003 after the owner parted ways as a senior staff officer with the South African National Defence. A career that started in 1987 within the Mechanised Infantry and ended in 2003 as a Seniot Staff Officer in Pretoria. This exceptional period also allowed for tertiary studies which finally lead to a national diploma in Education Training and Development, an honour’s degree in Human Resources Development and a master’s degree in Human Resources Development specialising in Organisational Development and Transformation.
M3iSD’s core focus is on providing organisational development and transformation services, psychometric assessments and learning development, delivery, and evaluation. We development custom learning delivery, assessment through online and onsite services.
We have also successfully participated from 2014 to 2019 as a competency specialist to develop Competency Frameworks, Career Paths, Job Profiles and Performance Management Systems for Imperial Holdings during their acquisition of AMH. In earlier years we took part in the re-engineering and restructuring of Medscheme’s entire Human Resource Model, allowing them in 2010 to become the third best organisation to work for in South Africa. During 2012 we develop and implemented a digital performance management system for UNISA. See our letter of recommendation attached.
Occupational Directed Education Training & Development Specialist
M3iSD has been actively part of the Education, Training and Development industry now for more than 17 years. We have provided training services for organisations across all industries and economic spheres of activities. Some of these organisations include Medscheme (PTY) LTD (BONNITAS, Lethimvhula, FedHealth), the City of Tshwane, Tshwane Metropolitan Police, GIMS, University of Johannesburg, University of South Africa, Department of Defence, Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Department of Corporate Services, PriceWaterHouseCoopers, various TVET Colleges and private skills development providers. We have attached these organisations’ letters of recommendation to this submission.
Leadership and Entrepreneurial skills Development
Our organisational development initiatives paved the way to facilitate numerous leadership development programmes and also the creation of specialised training solution in Occupational Directed Education Training and Development Practises (ODETDP). We not only facilitate accredited learning in this field, but we also develop specialised learning material that is well-known and well- established within the ETDSETA environment. We train people nationwide even at the most remote locations in South Africa including Namibia and Swaziland.
We have trained over 3600 young people in leadership and entrepreneurial skills for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR). Training was conducted for a period of three years simultaneously at three cities across South Africa. The effective completion of this project is mirrored in the DRDLR’s letter of commendation, kindly find it attached.
ODETDP in the Safety, Security and Higher Education Environments
The Metropolitan Police of the City of Tshwane is one of our most loyal customers for whom we train Officers in facilitation, assessment, moderation, coaching and mentoring programmes. The quality of our work to the City of Tshwane is reflected in their letter of recommendation.
We have trained over 600 lecturers for various TVET Colleges in ODETDP. These included ADET lecturers, Vocational/ Apprenticeship Lecturers and ECD practitioners. We were selected as one of three providers to train members of the Department of Defence in ODETDP, which was conducted at the Military Base Wonderboom, the School of Infantry in Oudtshoorn and Airforce Base Ysterplaat in Cape Town.
As an accredited provider within the FPMSETA we have trained over of 800 employees for the UNESCO registered Groot Marico River Conservation Association (MRCA). MRCA is one of only six biospheres who achieved international UNESCO protection in South Africa. This effort necessitated the establishment of training programmes in technical skills such as Chainsaw- and Brushcutter operators, First Aid responders, the use of chemicals and cleaning equipment, occupational safety, hygiene and various other vocational skills between NQF Level 01 to NQF Level 04.
Learning Material Development Specialist
A cornerstone of M3iSD business is the development of learning material that is currently in use at over 200 providers nationwide including two Universities and various TVET Colleges. We are proud to reflect our knowledge of the National Qualifications Framework and Skills Development Regulatory environment within our accredited learning material offerings. Our learning material covers a wide range of learning fields and subject matter content.
M3ISD involvement with municipalities
M3ISD was appointed to develop 280 Job Profiles for Occupations within in Municipalities across South Africa. These included jobs ranging from senior management to Labourers at the lowest level of the OFO. We assisted Akanani (PTY) Ltd not only to develop these Job profiles but also to design and develop online assessments and paper-based tests to assess the incumbents of these occupations as part of a skills audit that was conducted by the Department of Corporate Governance.
M3iSD Strategic Profile
M3iSD Statement of Mission
“Dedicated to excellence in performance, M3iSD is committed to providing quality ETD opportunities and services that meet or exceed the needs of learners, industry and our community.”