Table of contents–The AlphabetVowels–ConsonantsConsonant DigraphsTrigraphsTetragraphs–Other Letters, Marks, and SymbolsDiacriticsLigatures–Spelling Conventions–AffixesPrefixes+Suffixes–Inflection in SpellingForming Plurals–Forming ContractionsEncliticsThe Three-Letter RuleI Before E, Except After CRules for CapitalizationForeign Loanwords and Loan TranslationsAmerican English vs. British English Spelling–Pronunciation Conventions–Tricky Vowel Sounds (Monophthongs, Diphthongs, and Triphthongs)DiphthongsTriphthongs–Tricky Consonant SoundsForming the /k/ SoundForming the /z/ SoundForming the /Ê’/ (ZH) SoundPronouncing the Letter S–Silent LettersSilent ESyllablesWord StressSentence Stress+Common Mistakes and Commonly Confused WordsGet all volumes of The Farlex Grammar Book in paperback or eBook.